We are not meant to do this alone.

Therapy for the emerging therapist

Imposter Syndrome

You may be struggling with imposter syndrome if you constantly doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud despite evidence of your accomplishments. It's a common experience where you believe you don't deserve your success and fear being exposed as inadequate, even though others may not see you that way.

Self identity

You may be struggling with understanding your self-identity, which encompasses your beliefs, values, experiences, and sense of self. Your self-identity influences how you perceive yourself and interact with others, both personally and professionally.

Self Care

You may be struggling with prioritizing your own self-care as a therapist. Remember, self-care is not just a luxury but a professional necessity to sustain yourself in this demanding field.

Counter Transference

You may be struggling with counter-transference if you find yourself experiencing strong emotional reactions towards your clients that seem unrelated to their present situation.


You may be struggling with maintaining clear boundaries. Boundaries are the invisible lines that define the limits of the therapeutic relationship, safeguarding both you and your clients. Boundaries ensure ethical conduct, protect your well-being, and maintain the integrity of the therapeutic process.

Burn Out

You may be struggling with burnout if you are experiencing emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and overwork. It's essential to recognize the signs of burnout and prioritize self-care to prevent further depletion and maintain your ability to provide effective therapy.

This doesn’t have to be it.

Why do we experience struggles as the emerging therapist?

New therapists often struggle in the transition to becoming a therapist due to the steep learning curve of applying theoretical knowledge to real-world practice. The emotional intensity of therapy sessions, coupled with the pressure to provide effective treatment while maintaining professional boundaries, can be overwhelming for beginners.

How do you treat the emerging therapist?

  1. Therapy - A unique combination of modalities with a heavy emphasis on humanistic therapy and process that address the struggles of being new in this profession and managing life alongside it. Other modalities include ACT, CBT, DBT, mindfulness and more.

  2. Support Groups - Join consultation groups for additional support.

  3. Level of Care Assessment- Ongoing assessment to determine that client is being treated at proper level of care.

  4. Medication- Assess for medication needs (if desired)